Selasa, 20 November 2012

Format Of English Business Letter


1. Meaning

Letter full block letter type is the type of start from the left edge of the wedge

2. Typewriting ways

1. Line spacing is A
2. The left edge of the line of pegs 20 and right 80
3. Initials typed in from the left edge of the row of pegs after hook pulled 10 times from the left edge of setelahkait pulled 10 times from the edge of the upper paper
4. City and date typed in from the left edge of the wedge line after linked 2 times from initial
5. Once knitted six times typed in the address
6. To tap the prologue, hook 4 hook from remarks sooner in
7. Once knitted 2 times from the opening words, text message content
8. Every turn of the paragraph hook pulled 2 times
9. Greetings closing, typed from the left-hand margin after knitted 2 times
10. Shipping typed below the closing salutation with capital letters after knitted 2 times
11. Type your name and department from the left edge of the wedge line after knitted pulled 4x

Example :

Jalan Surya Kencana 16

7 April 2007

Number: 01/A/IV/05
Attachments: -
: Book Write ABC
The CV. "Self-Reliance"
Road A. Yani 21

With respect.
From the ad that was published in Daily Sinar Harapan, published 3 months, we read that the Lord has sufficient Write ABC inventory book with HVS containing 50 and 60 pages.
Because ads are sold only explain the "Specials" then the information that we ask Mr. likes to give further details about the intended price. That we need to ask about what price and how about the discount or premium that we can get, if we buy in bulk.
If later the terms satisfactory and we agree, then we will order at least 30 crates of each Mr. types of goods to offer it. We really waited for Sir soon as possible, so we can set the order that will be sent

Your own name
Director / tri


1. Meaning
                       Block style letter is a letter from the sections typed pegs except the left edge of the dates, the closing salutation, type your name and department of the center of the paper.

2. Typewriting ways

1. Line spacing used a
2. The left edge of the line of pegs mounted on figures 20 and 80
3. The parts of the whole letter typed in from the left edge of the pegs except the date, salutation closing, your name, and type your department from the center of the paper
4. Typewritten letterhead horizontal centering, vertical
5. The date typed letter with a 2 hook from border letterhead
6. Date letter typed from the left edge distance of 4 to 6 hooks from the date and distance one row
7. Greetings opener, typed with a 2-hook from the opening greeting
8. The first paragraph of the body of the letter typed in the left edge and a 2-hook from the opening greeting
9. Each new paragraph typed in from the left edge of the line of pegs after knitted 2 times

Example :

Pekayon Road 311

No. 02/A/IV/07
7 April 2007
Attachments: -
Re: Invoice No.07

Shop. "Knight"
road Mantingan

With respect.

Recently, we have received a shipment of textile quality color assortment Japan and Hong Kong. His feature is very nice and it drops an average of 10%, as compared to three months ago. List price for the items we attach with it.

Besides, we use this opportunity also to question also in sir, that when examining the debtor's books we found a note next to the debit of Rp. 1.7500.000,00 namely regarding our invoice No.. 07. According to the agreement Mr. invoice has been paid by the end of this month. Perhaps because of busy you did not have time to send the amount of money.

While waiting for the order sir we expect payment account.



Typewriting ways:                            
1. 2 line spacing for a short letter
2. The left edge of the line of pegs 20 and right 80
3. Initials typed in from the left edge of the line of pegs after knitted 7 times
4. City and date typed in from the middle of the paper after the hook pulled 4 times
5. Address typed in from the left edge of the line peg hooks pulled after 4 times
6. Greetings from the typewritten opener pegs left edge line after knitted 2 times
7. Fill typewritten letter from the left edge of the line of pegs after entry 5 spaces
8. Cover types into effect from the middle of the paper between the left and right after the hook pulled 2 times
9. Type your company name in all capital letters from the middle of knitted paper 1 times
10. Signatory's typed from middle ertas after hook pulled 3 times
11. Attachments do not need to type your words if there is no accompanying

Example : 

Roads Abhimanyu 12

Number: 1.B/IV/2007
7 April 2007
Attachments: -
Subject: Examination Books
CV. "Works Great"
Jalan Raden Saleh 14

Replying to a letter a week ago sir, do hereby proclaim that the Report of the Expert Examining Trade Books we have sent to Mr. a month ago. The report might not come to the Lord.
As it turns out the balance of the year 2003 Mr. profits of Rp 120 million. This advantage is not big enough we think, given the circumstances Mr CV substantial and memuskan. We dare to ensure that profits in the coming year could reach 10% if performed more thoroughly. Outposts such costs would be lowered by several hundred thousand dollars.
Furthermore, we suggest that the capital increase Tuan Tuan remember Mr. results obtained in the past year was difficult to find the necessary capital. Accordingly our suggestions briefly, to explore all parts of the CV. Sir, we invite to read the latest report.

Your own name


Is a letter form an uneven indentations left. In this form the first line starting address in the line edge left. Then second line (street name, number) starting five spaces from the left edge of the line. the next line of name begins 10 spaces from the side line. each paragraph begins 5spasi further from the left edge of the line.

2. Typewriting ways:

1. Line distance of one or two for a short letter
2. Pegs line the left and right edge 20 and right 80
3. Initials typed in from the left edge of the line of pegs after knitted 7 times
4. Place and date of typewritten paper from the middle of the left and right in line with the initials
5. Address typed in from the left peg after knitted pingir line 4 times
6. Greetings from the opening line of pegs left after knitted 2 times from the line above it
7. Fill typewritten letter from the left edge of the line of pegs after knitted 1 time in 5 spaces
8. Every new paragraph from the body of the letter, always starting from the left edge of the line of pegs after entry 5spasi
9. Greetings from the typewritten cover the middle between the left and right paper after knitted 2 atau1 times
10. Type your company name in all capital letters
11. Signatory little 2 times
12. Appendix typed in from the left edge of the line of pegs after knitted a time
Example :

Simplified Style

Simple shapes (Simplified Style) is a form letter that is almost similar to the shape Straight Full but only without any greeting and closing greeting. Usually this letter goes to the people who were working at the company. Sometimes the simple form of letter writing is very simple without regard neatness and regularity.

Example :


Having a shape similar to the Semi block style. At Hanging style format paragrapnya hanging, or leaning to the left while the Semi block style each new paragraph spaced writing, or writing more into.
Example : 

sumber :

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